Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day has come and gone. And it was every bit as hard as I thought it would be. (I guess the fact that I was anticipating it made it a little easier?)

Thankfully, I got lots and lots of Mother's Day hugs & wishes from so many people at church - I was relieved that people acknowledged that it was a difficult day for me - and most of all, that they acknowledged that I am in fact, a mother.

My wonderful midwife Kathleen was one of the ladies that spoke on Sunday - three mothers were asked to speak a bit about being a mom - the moment she stepped up there, we met eyes, and that was it for me. It was like she kept glancing at me as if to say 'I hope this is OK'. She did mention me in her "Things I've learned", and I was actually really grateful for that.

Anyways, we went about our day, but I just felt foggy all day. I wasn't happy, and I didn't want to be. It's so strange how I can approach a day feeling just fine (all the while, knowing that certain day is probably going to be pretty tough), and then that day comes, and my emotions just change completely & I'm a huge mess. Luckily I have a lot of people around me who understand & allow me to let those emotions out.


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