I can't believe you're two years old today. You're becoming such a little character, and you're such a joy to have around (aside from those toddler tantrums, of course).
Just in time for your birthday, you're finally over an ear infection that has been bothering you for over a week.. We are so grateful that you're (almost) completely yourself again. We were able to enjoy a birthday party for you on Saturday, with just a few close friends and family.. You were most excited about "cake", and would shout "presents!" when someone would walk in with a gift. You were happy to share your presents with your little friends; we all really enjoyed watching you playing with your new blocks together!
Today we went to the Saskatoon Farm for lunch with Oma & Opa Janzen, and then back home to play with all of your things!
Here are a few things I want to remember about 2-year-old Annalise:
- You love cookies, as most two year olds probably do. When we ask you what you would like for any meal, your answer is either "cookies!" or "oatmeal!" You love oatmeal, too, and can often eat two full packets of the instant stuff.
- You are learning your numbers and alphabet ("A,B's" as you say) so quickly! You can already identify almost all of the letters, struggling a little bit with 'v' (you think it's 'y') and 'w' (that's a hard one to say!) The first letter you always put in your alphabet puzzle is 'o'. Your favourite number is '8', and was the first number you were able to identify. I remember walking around in WalMart a couple of months ago, and you pointed to an 8 on a sign and said "8!". I couldn't help but think it was just a coincidence, but sure enough you proved it on several occasions!
- You love to sing with me! Before naps and sometimes bedtime, I ask you what you would like to sing, and you say "Jesus!" (Jesus Loves Me), and then "sunshine!" (You Are My Sunshine). You know many of the words, and sing along. I love it - I hope you'll always like to sing.
- You love Toopy & Binoo, but not Mike the Knight or Thomas.
- You say "like it" and shake your head when you don't like something. These days that's happening at the dinner table more often than we'd like. You say "like it...more...too bad" (don't like it anymore, too bad). Because when you don't want to eat something, Mommy says, "too bad for you!" We'll see if your good appetite comes back when you're completely over this sickness.
- Mommy takes you to Mother Goose every Tuesday morning, and you love it! It takes you a little bit to warm up when we get there, but once you're comfortable, you love to run around that big open room! You remember the rhymes well, and you love it when we sing them at home too.
We are looking forward to watching you develop in many more years to come. Thank you for keeping us on our toes, and keeping life entertaining! We love you, little girl.
So wonderful:):) xo Kahl