Annalise Valerie Janzen was born on February 18, 2011 at 8:48am, weighing 7lbs, 1oz.
I feel like there's so much to say.. where do I start?
Well, first of all, there is great significance in her birthday! Just the day before she was born, I was posting a Happy Heavenly Birthday to our sons, Michael & Gabriel. Derek & I made sure to embrace that day, and allow ourselves to grieve over them again. We visited the cemetary, (though we didn't stay long, because there was knee-high snow, and it was very chilly), and we had dinner that evening with Mom and Dad Janzen. We also set up the crib in Annalise's room - I remember saying that evening, I feel prepared now for this baby! Our midwife told us just the day before the twins' birthday, that it was important for us to allow ourselves the emotions that came with that day - important for ourselves, and important for the health of the pregnancy.
It was no coincidence that Annalise was born the very next day - it was absolutely, without a doubt, a God thing. Annalise wasn't due until March 12 - she was 3 weeks early. Derek & I have said on numerous occasions, that we are grateful that she wasn't born on the 17th, because we feel like it's important for the twins to have their own day; but what a blessing to have a brand new baby to celebrate exactly a year after the worst days of our lives.
The labour & delivery to bring Annalise into this world was a beautiful experience, for what it was. The whole process was only 4 hours from start to finish, and all went perfectly, without a hitch.
I woke up at 4:48 in the morning to my water breaking, and then contractions started, so I called my midwife. She said to try and get some rest, because it would probably be a few hours before I was in enough pain that I needed to get to the hospital. Of course I was just too excited to go back to bed, and before long the contractions were coming quickly & strong! By 7am, we were at the hospital, calling Derek's mom to come quick if she wanted to be there for the birth! Annalise was born an hour and 45 minutes later, in the water. (By the way - water birth, strongly recommended!) We spent the next 2 nights in the hospital, and took her home on a sunny, but very cold, Sunday afternoon.
Now here we are, 3 months later, and I'm finally getting around to writing about all of this! Annalise is an amazing baby. As I write, she is cooing away in her playpen. We are so incredibly blessed. She already sleeps through the night, and has since before she was a month old, and for the most part throughout the day, she is very content. These days she has so many smiles to give - it is such a special moment when she flashes a smile, just for me. We're still waiting for her first laugh - I don't think it will be long now.

There are so many people that love her; what a lucky baby girl.
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